Saturday 30 March 2013

How Cloud Architecture Provides Transparency And Automation

  • The tools allow the user to monitor report and manage the cloud architecture. It also allows them to share the applications using the cloud architecture. 
  • Automation is the key component of cloud architecture as it provides the services to increase the degree of the quality. 
  • It brings the capacity on demand and allows the requirements of the user to be met.

Friday 29 March 2013

Advantages of Cloud Architecture To Businesses

  • Zero infrastructure investment: Cloud architecture provide user to build large scale system with full hardware, machines, routers, backup and other components. So, it reduces the startup cost of the business.

  • Just-in-time Infrastructure: It is very important to scale the infrastructure as the demand rises. This can be done by taking cloud architecture and developing the application in the cloud with dynamic capacity management.

  • More efficient resource utilization: Cloud architecture provides users to use their hardware and resource more efficiently and utilize it in a better way. This can be done only by applications request and relinquish resources only when it is needed (on-demand).

Thursday 28 March 2013

What are the Advantages of Using the Cloud?

  • Cloud architecture uses simple APIs to provide easily accessible services to the user through the internet medium.
  • It provides scale on demand feature to increase the industrial strength.
  • It provides the transparency between the machines so that users don’t have to worry about their data. Users can just perform the functionality without even knowing the complex logics implemented in cloud architecture.
  • It provides highest optimization and utilization in the cloud platform

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Cloud Service Models In Cloud Architecture

There are 4 types of cloud service models available in cloud architecture:
  • Infrastructure as a service: It provides the consumer with hardware, storage, network and other resources on rent. Through this consumer can deploy and run software using dedicated software. This includes the operating system and the applications that are associated with it.

  • Platform as a service: it provides the user to deploy their software and application on the cloud infrastructure using the tools that are available with the operating system.

  • Software as a service: it provides the users the ability to run its application on the cloud infrastructure and can access it from any client device using any interface like web browser.

  • Business Process as a service: it provides any business process that is delivered through cloud service model using the internet and accesses the resources through the web portal.

Monday 25 March 2013

Phases Involved In Cloud Architecture

  • Launch phase: it launches the basic services and makes the system ready for communication and for application building
  • Monitor phase: it monitors the services that is being launched and then manages them so that on demand the user will be able to get what he wants.
  • Shutdown phase: it shutdown the services that are not required first and after all the services gets shutdown, and then it closes the system services.
  • Cleanup phase: it clean up the left out processes and services that is being either broken or didn’t get shutdown correctly.